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Learn English Locally, Apply It Worldwide! Enjoy Regular Practice |
By learning and practising, of course! I once came across one method advising students to stop at every word they didn't know, or were in the danger of merely guessing its meaning and look it up in a good dictionary straight away. One MUST NOT guess, nor ignore an unknown word. One must clarify its meaning before stepping forward.
Let's learn some English idioms in a systematic way, with the BBC. Here are a few lessons for you, on condition that we all respect the BBC Online Services terms and conditions. I apologise for the size of the video screen - this is bigger than my website's middle column, thus infringing on the right column space. There is nothing I can do to change the size, this is why I place the videos on a separate page. I hope you enjoy learning new phrases every day!
English idioms: Football, Boxing, Athletics,
One of the most common mistakes when speaking English is caused by bad pronunciation. By pronouncing one letter slightly longer or shorter than it should be, you may very easily say something else than you intended. You know the classic joke about 'a sheet on the bed' and not a 'shit on the bed'. 'Man' or 'men' etc. - these words are called minimal pairs and they can be challenging to many students.
Another puzzling aspect of English words is that a shift in the word's stress can change not only its meaning, but also its grammatical category. For example 'address'.
Packed with knowledge, published on Tuesdays.
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Our lessons in the names and sounds of letters, short & long vowel sounds, CVCs, CCVCs, CVCCs, sight words, vowel and consonant contrasts, etc.
Our lessons will help increase your vocabulary, word recognition, find meaning in context, skills for TOEFL tests and other games, for fun.
Here we shall build some lessons to help you improve your writing skills.
Lots of lessons: cause & effect, comparisons, linking signals, relative clauses, presenting information, expressing emotions and grammar games, of course. We had more lessons on: intensifying adverbs and phrasal verbs, expressing various concepts such as addition, exception, restriction and ambiguity. Lately we started some exercises: likes/dislikes, frequency adverbs (twice), verb tenses, etc.
Learn how to build a website, by using the SBI! system - start from the basics, developing a site concept and a niche, supply and demand, learn about profitability and monetization, payment processing, register domain, website structure and content as a pyramid. Also learn about the tools I'm using to build this website. We also covered how to build traffic, working with search engines, building a good system of inbound links, using social marketing and blogs with the SBI system, how to use Socialize It and Form Build It, how to publish an e-zine and how to build a social network in your niche.
We looked at a few games by now: Countable & uncountable nouns, Free Rice, Name That Thing, Spell It, Spelloween, the Phrasal Verbs Game, Preposition Desert, The Sentence Game, Word Confusion, Word Wangling, Buzzing Bees, and The Verb Viper Game.
Be prepared to play and learn more pretty soon.