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Issue #108 -- Week 29/05/16-04/06/16
June 07, 2016

Greetings and General Information

Please accept my apologies for having to finish our last issue so abruptly, without even introducing the topic of our third lesson. I was in the midst of my present journey and the place I found with some Internet connection had no electrical points, so when my computer said to me "either you plug me in or I die on you" I counted myself lucky to just add the link to our lesson and have the time to publish the e-zine as it was. But as they say, all is well when it ends well and I was happy to see that the issue arrived in everybody's inbox safely.

A warm welcome to our new subscribers! I wish you will find My English Club fun and instructive and I look forward to welcome you as a new valued member soon. Read, learn and communicate around the world!

You and your friends can always subscribe individually through the form on My English Club . If anybody mentions to you that they are interested in receiving it, please tell them this, with thanks. Of course, you can also unsubscribe at any point, by using the link at the end of any issue of the e-zine, should you wish - no questions asked.

Until I'll have the time to write my e-books from these courses, you can enjoy our past lessons for free, as follows:

Archive of all the back issues

Pronunciation Lessons

Reading Lessons

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Grammar Lessons

Website Design Lessons

Grammar ~ Linking Sentences to Express Conditions

Today we are continuing our lessons on linking sentences and we have the topic of expressing conditions in complex sentences. Please find this on the Linking Sentences to Express Conditions page. This is a more complex lesson to which I shall have to add some exercises at some point. It is a great grammar issue to master once you're got it under your hat.

Writing ~ The Proposition

In some languages a sentence is translated as a "proposition", but our topic does not mean that I'm afraid. In fact, it has a similar meaning to a 'proposal' as in a marriage proposal....

It goes like this: one has a 'proposition' (to get married) and the other one can accept it or deny it. Similarly, with the message in a sentence one can 'propose' an idea, put it in his/her choice of words in a particular order and wait for the recipient of the message to either accept it or deny it, as the case may be. Can you see the comparison?

You will find today's lesson on The Proposition page. This is only the theory, but we shall need to add some good examples to this lesson soon.

English for Work ~ Job Interview with No Experience

We are continuing the series of lessons on how to prepare for an interview today, especially in situations when you don't have any experience, such as it may be the case for your first ever job.

You can find this lesson on the Interview for Your First Job page. Many thanks and I hope you enjoy this lesson as well.

This is it for now, my friends!

I hope you find this information useful and not too confusing. Even though you're at the stage of building on it, have patience at this point in your learning and you'll be able to reap the fruit of your work later on, whichever aspect of our lessons you are concentrating on.

Please feel free to comment and suggest your ideas by replying to this email - I look forward to hearing from you. If you wish to chat either with me or with other members worldwide, go to My English Club .

All the best from me until next time,

Lucia da Vinci

Founder of My English Club

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